Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The river flows
Burrying its dreams
Under its whirls;
Flowers fallen on its bossom
Birds and butterflies
Flying near to it,
Murmuring and whispering.

The river flows-
Just like a curved road
Deep in it ; - a song,
Long forgotten ; yet
Lingering somewhere, and-
The wind is trying to sing it
But is getting lost somewhere.

Sun smiled at it
And showered pearls on it
Then night came
Moon and stars saw
Their face in the river's heart,
They tried to talk with it.

But;the river
Is flowing,
Closing eyes
Not looking at the sky ; -
Even once.

It had forgotten everything
The dream of a flower,
The music of birds,
The smile of the sun,
Moon and stars;-
And; - the river flows...