Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Evolution-Nature-Nirvana-oneness with nature


In ethereal silence
In eternal solitude
My passion,
My thoughts:mingles
And the lotus*
Blooms in my soul.

My eyes-
Become morning dew
My hands-
Sprout new shoots
My body-
Gets covered with moss
My hair-
Glitterswith fireflies

I spread
My branches -
To touch the sky
And my mind
Merges with
The clouds*...

#lotus -stands for sense of consciousness
#clouds-stands for happiness that is obtained from selfless service

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bridge to nowhere....

An old stone bridge's
Ruins stare at the sea from here;
And silence bulids another bridge from there-
From there; at the end of the old bridge;
-Its like a blue net
-Bridge - the bridge between the sky and see-
Where the thoughts go lost
And what remains in mind is -
The slippilng sand shore and the tides;
Singing and enjoying their song
Just like their life is that long-
And; they know life never ends-
It only travells from bridges to bridges
Only come back one day
And see that their old bridge
From where their journey had begun-
Was; taken over by the sea;
And it flows over it
Calm and carelss; as if -
Nothing had happened here;
Nothing at all...